Yes, you can put a video in a mockup in Photoshop. Putting a video in a mockup is a very creative way to sell many kinds of products.
Today we will show you the process of putting a scrolling video of a website, inside a laptop inside a mockup. You can do the same process for many other products, sky’s the limit.
Let’s take this mockup as our starting point.
We will put the video on this laptop screen.
Now for the video, we will screenrecord our website while scrolling to make a scrolling video. You can make or use any other type of video content for this.
First, we will make a rectangle on the screen like this and make the color black.
Tip: For easy processing, make the rectangular the size of your video when making the rectangle.
Right click on the rectangle on the layer panel and choose “Convert to Smart Object”
Then down size the rectangle a bit for easy processing but it will naturally not fit the screen. To do it –
Go to Edit → Transform → Distort
Now you can grab the corners and fit the rectangle on the screen like this.
Now go to Window → Timeline and click the “Create Video Timeline” button. This will open up a video timeline.
Now, double-click the smart object in the layers panel and that will open the Smart Object window.
Drag and drop your premade video on the smart object and resize if needed.
Before saving it, click on the Create Timeline button again and you’ll see there’s two different layers with different sizes.
Drag the rectangle layer to the very end to meet the end of the video layer and hit save.
Now, you’re done with the basic setting.
To make the mockup more realistic or to give it a look more of what you want, you can change opacity, glare or any of the fine tuning options.
The finished product will look like this.
Now click the play button and you will see this video playing inside the mockup.