How Do I Create Video Listing On ETSY

How Do I Create Video Listing On ETSY

Learn the ins and outs of creating video listings on Etsy, from formats to resolutions and length restrictions. Optimize your visual content now!

Shohidur Rahman
May 29, 2024

You have to follow some rules when creating a Video listing on ETSY. If you want to know how to make the video itself, you can follow our tutorials on video mockups for ETSY.

You can watch this video guide in our BulkMockup Youtube channel

Etsy’s platform supports various video formats including MP4, MOV, FLV, AAC, AVI, 3GP, and MPEG, with the maximum file size capped at 100 MB.

For crystal-clear quality, aim for a resolution of at least 1080p (1920 x 1080). However, if it suits your product and the narrative you’re crafting, 720p (1280 x 720) can work just as well.

Remember, when you upload your video to Etsy, it won’t have any sound.

Also, keep in mind that Etsy limits video length to a brief window of 5-15 seconds.

Shohidur Rahman
Hey, I’m Shohidur, the content guy behind Bulk Mockup. In the past, I ran a print on demand tshirt store, where I learned the nitty gritty of the industry. Being in the industry for 7 years I understand the challenges faced by print on demand entrepreneurs of now. My main goal is to help print on demand sellers through the content I produce for Bulk Mockup.

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