How to Embed Video in My Shopify Product Page

How to Embed Video in My Shopify Product Page

Elevate your Shopify product pages with embedded videos for increased conversions. No apps needed. Just follow these simple steps!

Shohidur Rahman
June 4, 2024

Displaying videos on your shopify product page can will boost your conversion rate. In this quick tutorial we’ll see how to embed a video on your product page without use of any shopify app.

First Step – Upload The Video

First thing first, we’re not going to upload the video with our product images. More than likely that would show an error and not the look we’re looking for anyway.

At the bottom left – go to Settings.

Click Files.

At the top right, there’s a button to Upload files.

Now just choose the video you want to put on your product page and Upload.

Second Step – Produce The Code

No need to worry, there’s no coding knowledge required for this step. Basic understanding of English language will suffice.

Here’s the basic HTM code – 

video controls=”controls” style=”max-width: 100%; height: auto;”

  source src=”your video url here” type=”video/mp4″

Your browser does not support our video.


You don’t need any HTML expertise either. Simply replace “your video url here” with the link to your video that you obtained after uploading, ensuring it’s within the quotation marks.

Third Step – Placing The Code

To show the video where you want it, first choose the product page you want to work on.

Go to Setting → Product → All Products → The product page you want to work on.

Now click the Show HTML button.

How to Embed Video in My Shopify Product Page

Then you’ll see the HTML code of this page.

paste the code in the HTML

In this case, we have put the code at the end. You can put it any place you want, just don’t put it inside another tag.

Shohidur Rahman
Hey, I’m Shohidur, the content guy behind Bulk Mockup. In the past, I ran a print on demand tshirt store, where I learned the nitty gritty of the industry. Being in the industry for 7 years I understand the challenges faced by print on demand entrepreneurs of now. My main goal is to help print on demand sellers through the content I produce for Bulk Mockup.

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